
Lovelorn formed after Ladyhell (Kristell Lowagie) and Corpus Christi (B. Daubresse) met for the Road To Consciousness project in 2009.
Their love and passion for nice melodies brought them to work together on a common project.

Lovelorn tells stories about love, all forms of love: passion, destruction, hate, motherhood, perversion, ...

The EP "An Intense Feeling of Affection" is out in February 2011!

Ladyhell is a female singer, active member of Eve's Apple (created by Lisa Middelhauve, ex Xandria). She used to sing for Skeptical Minds, then for Valkyre. She made also some guest vocals for Psy'Aviah.

Corpus Christi used to lead the band Free Launch. He's the creator of The Road To Consciousness project, a metal rock opera (out in Feb 2011).

You'll be able to discover the rest of the musicians very soon ...

Artwork by Gogo Melone (Eve's Apple, Luna Obscura).

Articles parlant de cet artiste :

H’Elles on Stage V à  Lyon (Samedi 06.10.2012)

H’Elles on Stage V à  Lyon (Samedi 06.10.2012)

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H’Elles on Stage V début Octobre à  Lyon

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