Vanupié – Get Over

Vanupié - “Get Over”

Vanupié a cette faculté de véhiculer à travers sa musique tout un tas d’émotions. Le chanteur au timbre de voix éraillé continue de nous présenter les extraits de son prochain album. Après avoir dévoilé “Dreamtine” feat Panic, le chanteur nous embarque avec “Get Over”, véritable hymne à l’amour avec toujours un invité à ses côtés. Invité de marque puisqu'il s'agit de son petit chou. De surcroit il nous fait partager cet amour pour son fils. Celui-ci apparait à ses côtés dans le clip qui accompagne ce nouveau morceau. Bref, c’est encore un superbe titre signé Vanupié !!

“Get Over” - Vanupié- Lyrics

Less you’ll be on time to be wondered

Late you’ll be yonder

Life is on a knife edge we all hurt

But we know how to get over, get over

Once you’ll be frowned Less you’ll be younger

It’s hard to see further

Have to learn how to look beyond, deeper than the obvious

To get over once you’ll be hurt

I know you feel to sometimes sand up on the earth

Although we need to build up from the dirt

We owe the world all to be heard

Indeed to rise up on the dust

Here to bore to calm mind down

We need a goal to all lay down

To be wise helps to relearn

All Heart wish to be heard

Less you’ll be on time to be wonder

Late you’ll be yonder

Life is on a knife edge we all hurt

But we know how to get over, get over

Once you’ll be frown Less you’ll be younger

It’s hard to see further

Have to learn how to look beyond, deeper than the obvious

To get over once you’ll be hurt

Deep we know how it’s hard to find light

We all go through the same path in a dark pipe

Downright lonely journey

Hoppin’ for an angel Attorney

In the edge of all what we all guess

Winning all the respect we all meant

Lead us to come, we just drawn our days

Just Trust done our way

Although we know what’s in our mind we should look closely

How we could Show up in our heights without being lonely

Cause we don’t grow up until a ride and prove our faith to core things

We got steady in our hearts, hang it with your heart

If you don’t go smooth as your fast life

Might never have trust in your own light

Every day you gonna mess up the pipe dream

You lugs will be heading to Stop. Breath.

Wish you gonna learn all what is told

This song is just a tip from Your Old

You’ll surely be a strong man with your fails

Hope you gonna mean it to find gold

Less you’ll be on time to be wonder

Late you’ll be yonder

Life is on a knife edge we all hurt

But we know how to get over, get over

Once you’ll be frown Less you’ll be younger

It’s hard to see further

Have to learn how to look beyond, deeper than the obvious

To get over once you’ll be hurt

Vanupié - Get Over

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